Can I register my company with ALS to submit consultations?
 Yes, a person can register for his/her own company, or on behalf of a company to make the submission. Yes, a person can register for his/her own company, or on behalf of a company to make the submission.
Do I need to submit my company authorisation letter when I register for an account or when I submit a consultation on behalf of my company?
 When an individual register on behalf of the company, whom we termed as contact person, he/ she will need to produce an authorisation letter from the company. The individual will be the point of contact during the submission.
What is the difference between contact person and applicant?
 BCA will liaise with the contact person who is the point of contact throughout the consultation and formal application processes. Applicant is the sign licence holder when BCA approved the application. Licence will only be sent to the applicant, whom we termed as licensee.
What is consultation?
 Consultation is a stage whereby BCA will advise the applicants if their submission is in order. BCA will consult URA on behalf of the applicants to ensure that the applicants’ proposed sign comply with the current URA’s guidelines. Applicants can only proceed for a formal licence application if their proposed sign complied with URA’s guidelines and BCA’s requirements. BCA will proceed to grant in-principle no objection once the proposed sign is in compliance.
What is formal application?
 When applicants obtained in-principle no objection from BCA, they can proceed to convert the consultation to a formal application for processing. Fees will be generated and applicants can make payment via online or over at BCA service counter. Upon verification of payment, a copy of the licence will be sent to the applicant’s email account, who is now the licensee. He/ She can also download a copy of the licence from the system.
What do auto-convert and non auto-convert consultation signify?
 If applicants choose auto-conversion for their consultation submission, it will only be automatically convert to formal application if BCA gives positive consultation feedback. This function reduces a step for applicants to convert consultation to formal application manually.
What is the difference between applying a licence for signs at bus shelter/ taxi stand/ lamp post/ directional sign and others?
 Application of sign licence at bus shelter/ taxi stand/ lamp post/ directional allows multiple location entry in ALS. For other sign types, different location will come in as a new submission.
Can I get auto-renewal of my licence whose duration is lesser than one year?
 No. For auto-renewal of licence lesser than one year, it may be granted subject to Commissioner’s approval. Please fill in the online form at https://www.bca.gov.sg/feedbackform/ for this request.
What should I do to continue displaying the signs but I do not wish to opt for auto-renewal of my licence?
 Applicants who did not opt for auto-renewal will need to submit fresh applications if they wish to continue the display of their signs.
What is the criteria to auto-renew the licence?
 Auto-renewal is applicable for licence that is at least one year and payment has to be made via GIRO.
I have selected 1 year as my sign duration but the end date auto-populated in the system does not correspond to complete the 1 year.
 The licence expiry date will always be the last day of the 2nd last month of the 1 year licence period. For instance, if the licence validity date starts on 6th October 2013, the expiry date will be 30th September 2014. The total payable fee will be pro-rated accordingly.
I have forgotten to attach the sign drawings/ documents while submitting the application. Can I submit it later?
 No. Once you have confirmed your document submission on ALS, you are not allowed to upload any drawings/ documents. However, you may fill in the online form at https://www.bca.gov.sg/feedbackform/, for BCA’s processing.
Can I edit my submitted consultation?
 No. You are not allowed to make any editing once you have submitted your consultation. You are advised to save the document if it is not your final submission.
My sign status changed to ‘Fee Not Required’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that licence fee is not required for the proposed sign.
My sign status changed to ‘In Principle No Objection’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that BCA have in-principle no objection to the proposed sign and you may proceed to make a formal application in the system.
My sign status changed to ‘Disallowed’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that the proposed sign has been disapproved by BCA. 
My sign status changed to ‘Licence Not Required’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that licence is not required for the proposed sign.
My sign status changed to ‘Additional Documents Required’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that documents submitted are incomplete. You have to resubmit drawings or document as advised by BCA.
My sign status changed to ‘Pending Evaluation’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that the proposal is currently under assessment. No action is required from you.
My sign status changed to ‘Withdrawn’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that the proposed sign submission has been withdrawn upon your request.
My formal application submission status has been changed to ‘Pending Permit’, what does it mean?
 This status signifies that a permit is required for the proposed sign and you are required to obtain the permit through Coronet. After which, you may proceed to attach the approved permit in ALS and it will triggered an email to you on the payment for licence fee.
How do I know if I need to obtain a temporary building permit?
 A temporary building permit is required if the area of sign that is supported by an advertising structure exceeds 10sqm or the size of the advertising structure exceeds 10sqm; or the uppermost part of the advertising structure is 4m or higher, measured from the ground level.
Where can I get my temporary building permit?
 You may make an application through CORENET.
Is the email account
still available for enquiry or consultation?
 No. This email account will be withdrawn from 1 December 2014 onwards. Any enquiry please fill in the online form at https://www.bca.gov.sg/feedbackform/. For consultation and formal application of sign licence, it is to be processed strictly via ALS.
What are the available payment modes for licence fee?
 eNETS Debit (Internet Banking) and Credit Card (VISA/ Mastercard) are available via online. Alternatively, you may send a cheque or make payment over BCA counter using cash cards, credit/ debit card and nets. Cash is not allowed. Cheque should be crossed to “Building and Construction Authority”. Please write your name, contact number and Licence number in this case will be for renewal/ extension licences, while FA reference number (FA/xxxx/xxxx/xx/x) is for fresh application on the reverse side of your cheque and mail it to BCA.
I do not have computer access, how can I use the system?
 We have e-bar available at BCA service counter. Should you require any assistance, you may approach our staff to attend to you.
I faced some technical issues while using the system, what should I do?
 Please fill in the online form at https://www.bca.gov.sg/feedbackform/ and indicate your contact details, description and screen capture of the issue. Alternatively, you may dial our customer service hotline at 1800-342-5222 and we will direct you to the right person.
Do I need to apply for an advertisement licence?
 All outdoor sign require a licence before they can be erected unless they fall within the scope of the Outdoor Advertisement Exemption List.
A licence is not required for the following type of advertisement sign:
- any single signboard or a series of related signboards displayed outdoors at a business premises with a total area of not more than 5 square metre;
- signboard displayed by:
- any religious body; - any Government-aided school; or - any hospital, clinic, dispensary, nursing or welfare home or hospice, run by any charity (whether registered under the Charities Act (Cap. 37) or otherwise);
any advertisement or signboard displayed:
- on any stall within a hawker centre, food centre or market; or - in any underpass, tunnel or mass rapid transit station; and
the exhibition of any poster, banner or advertising in respect of any parliamentary election or presidential election in accordance with the Parliamentary Elections Act (Cap. 218) or the Presidential Elections Act (Cap. 240A).
Can I get more than 5sqm exemption on signboards?
Can I get 5sqm exemption on other sign types?
 5sqm exemption is strictly for signboard only.
What advertisement signs are prohibited?
 The following signs are prohibited for locations both within and outside the Central Area:
a) Signboards and advertisement signs which are illuminated by means of flickering, flashing and running lights except along Orchard Road, Bras Basah/Bugis and Chinatown (New Bridge Road / Eu Tong Sen Street) Please refer to URA website at http://www.ura.gov.sg under circular No. URA/PB/2009/21-PPG for the boundary of these areas.
b) Advertisement signs on free standing structures promoting any brands, products, goods or services.
c) Advertisement signs on buildings above the roof or roof parapet level.
d) Advertisement signs on public infrastructure and their ancillary structures e.g, entrance & exit structures to Rapid Transit System stations and underpasses, MRT viaduct columns, and kiosks.
e) Advertisement signs on residential buildings and residential component of mixed-use buildings.
f) Advertisement signs located within or in the vicinity of the boundary of airports and airbases.
g) Advertisement signs located over or within any public streets, which include expressways, flyovers, bridges, railings, central median dividers, traffic islands; and on trees or bushes.
h) Advertisements within water catchment areas, public open spaces, nature reserves, waterbodies, along coastlines; and on vacant land.
How do I apply for an advertisement sign/ signboard licence?
 All proposals are required to comply with URA sign guidelines and BCA regulations. With the full implementation of the new online Advertisement Licensing System (ALS) on 1 December 2014, the process of every application for licence must commence with a consultation for assessment on compliance with URA’s sign display guidelines. Only upon receipt of an in-principle no objection for the proposal, the applicant may then convert the consultation into a formal application for licence. For walk-in customers, BPALD will have officers deployed to guide them on using ALS at the e-bar at the service counter.
You can submit your application online via our ALS available at https://www.bca.gov.sg/AdvertisementLicence
When making online applications, you are required to attach all the supporting documents and get the necessary clearances and permits prior to your submissions. Otherwise, the application shall not be processed. The acceptable file formats for the documents are restricted to .doc, .jpg, .pdf, .txt and .zip.
If you do not have internet access, you can make use of the e-bar located at BCA Service Centre at 52 Jurong Gateway Road, Singapore 608550, Level 6 to make an online submission.
What is the licence fee payable?
 Fees vary depending on the type of displays, e.g. signboard, advertisement sign, sky sign, etc. The details of licence fees are provided at
Fee for Licence/ Permit (1 Year)
Type of Licence |
Basis of Fee |
Rate Per Year |
Signboard Licence * |
Above 5m2 to 15m2 |
$50 per licence |
Above 15m2 |
$20 per m2 or part thereof in excess of 5m2 |
Advertisement Sign/ Directional Sign Licence |
Up to 1m2 ** |
$20 per sign |
Above 1m2 to 5m2 |
$90 per sign |
Above 5m2 to 10m2 |
$140 per sign |
Above 10m2 |
$20 per m2 or part thereof per sign |
Animated Billboard Licence |
Up to 10m2 |
$225 per sign |
Above 10m2 |
$30 per m2 or part thereof per sign |
Skysign/Balloon Sign Licence |
Display Area |
$40 per m2 or part thereof per sign |
Permit Fee |
Per structure |
$120 |
* Every business premises is eligible to a one time aggregate 5m2 signboard exemption.
You can request for the exemption during the online consultation via Advertisement Licensing System (ALS).
** Please note that all Advertisement Signs/ Directional Signs/ Banners up to 1m2 are classified as small advertisements.
Fee for Licence / Permit (less than 1 Year)
In the case of a licence which has a period of less than a year, the fee payable shall correspond to the proportion the period of the licence bears to a period of 12 months but subject to a minimum fee of $20.
If a permit is required for the sign structure, the permit fee is $120 per structure per year.
However, in calculating the licence/permit fee payable where a licence and permit are granted or renewed, any fraction of a month shall be regarded as one month.
Eg: Licence / Permit Duration: 5 May to 4 June is taken as one month. Licence / Permit Duration: 5 May to 5 June is taken as two months.
What are the payment modes to apply for an sign licence?
 For application submitted online via ALS, payment can be made either by using eNets Debit (Internet Banking), Credit Card (VISA/ Master Card) or by cheque.
 For counter services, payment can be made by cheque, Nets, credit card or cashcard from 8.30am to 5.00pm:
Cheque must be made payable to “Building and Construction Authority”.
What are the regulations and guidelines for the display of sign?
 All outdoor sign must comply with the provisions of the Building Control (Outdoor Advertising) Regulations 2002. All outdoor signs including any temporary sign must also comply with the URA guidelines for sign within the Central Area, outside the Central Area and in the Conservation Areas. URA guidelines are available at www.ura.gov.sg.
What are the guidelines for the display of flickering /flashing /running sign?
 Flickering/flashing/running signs are restricted to designated locations within the Central area: core shopping, tourist and entertainment belts along Orchard Road, Bras Basah/ Bugis and Chinatown (New Bridge Road / Eu Tong Sen Street) where such signs are compatible with the character of the area. Please refer to URA website at http://www.ura.gov.sg under circular No. URA/PB/2009/20-CUDG for the boundary of these areas.
What are the categories of licences?
 Depending on the duration of the sign displayed, a licence will be issued for the sign display either for a period of a year or less.
With the ALS, licensees who wish to have their licences renewed ‘automatically’ on an annual basis will need to pay the licence fees via GIRO.
What are the submission requirements?
The following documents must accompany every application for a licence. The documents are required under Regulation 4(3)(e) of the Building Control (Outdoor Advertising) Regulations 2002.
Your application will not be processed without the submission of the required documents.
Premises in which the sign is displayed |
If applicant is a subsidiary proprietor owning a lot in the MCST (“Owner”) |
If applicant is a tenant of a lot in the MCST (“Tenant”) |
Any part of the premises within the MCST |
• A written consent from the MCST that they agree the sign(s) can be displayed on the property
• All required documents and drawings endorsed clearly by the MCST and the Owner
• A written consent from the:
(a) MCST
(b) Lot Owner
(c) Landlord (if not, the Lot Owner) that they agree the sign(s) can be displayed on the property
• All required documents and drawings endorsed clearly by the:
(a) MCST
(b) Lot Owner
(c) Landlord (if not, the Lot Owner)
(d) Tenant
Premises in which the sign is displayed |
If applicant is the owner of a commercial unit (“Owner”) |
If applicant is the tenant of a commercial unit (“Tenant”) |
Commercial Units in Areas Managed by Town Council |
• A written consent from the Town Council that they agree the sign(s) can be displayed on the property
• All required documents and drawings endorsed clearly by the Town Council and the Owner
• A written consent from the:
(a) Town Council
(b) Commercial Unit Owner
(c) Landlord(s) (if not, the Commercial Unit Owner) that they agree the sign can be displayed on the property
• All required documents and drawings endorsed clearly by the
(a) Town Council
(b) Commercial Unit Owner
(c) Landlord (if not, the Commercial Unit Owner
(d) Tenant
Premises in which the sign is displayed |
If applicant is the owner of a property (“Owner”) |
If applicant is the tenant of a property (“Tenant”) |
All Other Types of Properties |
• All required documents and drawings endorsed clearly by the Owner
• A written consent from the:
(a) Property Owner
(b) Landlord (if not, the Property Owner) that they agree the sign can be displayed on the property
• All required documents and drawings endorsed clearly by the
(a) Property Owner
(b) Landlord (if not, the Property Owner)
(c) Tenant
The following required documents and drawings are to be submitted during online consultation:
- Visual of the proposed sign showing detailed artwork design and intended position of the sign licence number.
- Elevational plan of the building showing the position of the proposed sign.
- Sectional view showing the method of fixing and materials used for the sign.
- Layout plan showing the relative position of display to buildings, roads or other landmarks.
- Site plan showing the location of the lot on which the sign is to be erected / exhibited.
- Clearances from URA (special requirements) and/or other government agencies, where applicable.
Approval/Permit for
- The area of the sign that is supported by an advertising structure exceeds 10m2 or the size of the advertising structure exceeds 10m2; or
- The uppermost part of the advertising structure is 4m or higher, measured from the ground level.
Is clearance for other agency required?
 Depending on the nature of the proposal, clearances from other agencies, e.g. URA, LTA, Traffic Police, CAAS, SCDF, etc may be required. BCA will convey the necessity of such clearances to the applicant during the consultation process.
How long does it take for an application to be approved and licence?
 BCA generally takes 7 working days to approve and issue a licence for a completed application.
Are directional road signs under the purview of BCA?
 For the display of sign such as directional road signs on government lands, you may consult the relevant government land managing agencies for more details relating to their requirements; viz:
Clearance from the relevant government agencies is required, where applicable. All proposals are required to comply with URA sign guidelines and BCA regulations.
A formal licence application can be made when you have obtained an in-principle no objection reply from BCA. However, the acceptance of the proposal in an in-principle no objection is not equivalent to a licence issued under the Building Control (Outdoor Advertising) Regulations. A formal licence is still required before displaying the sign.
How do I report illegal banners?
Address/Location of the banner:
Information on banner:
Name of contact person:
Contact number:
Email address (if any):